SEC 2022 – Trustworthy Edge Computing Workshop
Organized in conjunction with ACM SEC 2022, Seattle, USA, Dec 5th – 8th 2022

Edge computing has become a topic of significant interest in academic and industrial research, driven by the fundamental improvements in latency, bandwidth savings and energy efficiency it offers with respect to offloading application workloads. While many envisioned applications in edge computing are relevant in the context of real-time analytics and feedback, most of the research today approaches edge computing from a “best effort” perspective, focusing on expected/average system behavior.
Nevertheless, in order to make edge computing appealing for consumer applications, trustworthiness must be considered as a key design objective. Thus, depending on the application, systems must go beyond the provisioning of average system behavior assurances. In this way, trustworthiness directly relates to predictability, latency as well as availability/reliability. However, beyond such standard metrics for networked systems, security and safety of edge-based applications will also play an important role, while relating properties of the edge infrastructure and of the associated applications running on top of the infrastructure.
We solicit contributions towards trustworthy edge computing systems and applications, such as (but not limited to):
- Theoretical and/or practical results targeting at predictability of edge computing systems with respect to computational and communication aspects
- Models and algorithms to determine trustworthiness of edge computing systems and corresponding applications
- Orchestration mechanisms to integrate edge and cloud computing resources
- Security, privacy and safety mechanisms for assurance of edge computing systems
- General theoretical and/or practical results on integrated communication and computation aspects of edge computing systems and applications
- Volunteer edge computing with distributed resource brokering
- Federated learning via edge systems in relation to safety, security and privacy
- Trustworthy edge -assisted artificial intelligence
- Application-oriented resource allocation and cross-layer optimization
- Software engineering aspects towards trustworthy edge systems and applications
- Consumer applications for trustworthy edge computing in residential, industry, or government sectors
- Service level agreements, contracts or similar approaches for handling multiple users/tenants settings in heterogeneous mixed criticality applications
- Social, economic and behavioral considerations for building sustainable edge computing systems and applications
For all further details, please refer to the workshop website at