This workshop – initiated by TECoSA PIs Martin Törngren and Rafia Inam, and co-organised by TECoSA with Digital Futures – took place at KTH on Thursday 4 April, with a great line-up of experts from the European Commission, industry and research.

Rafia Inam said afterwards “I am so proud to have co-organized this workshop! We would like to offer special thanks to Tatjana Evas for the great keynote on the AI Act, and to Fredrik Heintz,Eduardo Gill-Pedro, Anna Felländer, Elisabeth Thand Ringqvist and Hans Hedin for their invited talks. And of course to Shiva Sander Tavallaey, Maria Ramstedt, Anna Sööder and Luis Martínez for the insightful panel discussion!”
My key take-away points from this workshop are:
👉 Not taking advantage of the capabilities with AI is a far bigger risk. We need a smart and balanced AI governance for this powerful technology to not hinder innovation.
👉 Trustworthy AI for complex systems needs a holistic approach.
👉 Trustworthiness is a needed hygiene factor and should be included by-default.
👉 We need to incorporate Trustworthiness into business strategy and in our processes/routines and into products/services.
👉 We have some parts already incorporated like GDPR in EU, privacy, security, safety, etc. We leverage on our best knowledge wherever possible, not reinvent, and add what is missing.
Challenges to overcome
👉 Trustworthiness implications will vary per domain.
👉 Regulations need to be understood in an ecosystem, we need to bridge the silos.
👉 Rapidly evolving regulatory landscape, not coming up from countries but from international institutes, is a challenge to global companies.
👉 Simplification (provide guidance) by several regulatory bodies is a challenge to make regulation a friend.
👉 Global and Geopolitical perspective is a big question, when others are allowed to do and we are not. Still, we strive for a higher valued society.”
Martin Törngren added “It’s important and interesting to get key stakeholders and perspectives together – including decision makers, legal, industry and research. There is room for more! And we look forward to follow-ups!”