The 11th Quarterly Meeting, hosted at Ericsson’s headquarters in Kista on 14 March, drew together 45 people representing all the TECoSA partners. (Presentations available via the Members Area). Following a warm welcome from Catrin Granbom, Chair of the TECoSA Board, the meeting kicked off with a talk from Ericsson’s Vice President and Head of Research, Magnus Frodigh. “In connecting a cyber-physical world, the interplay between digitalized infrastructures and industrial applications becomes central, and ensuring trustworthiness will be a key to success,” he reflected. “TECoSA is at the center of these developments.”

(Ericsson Vice President and Head of Research)
Next came presentations wrapping up the initial TECoSA projects Safety, Security and Predictability , from Alexis Linard, Elena Dubrova, and György Dan (respectively).

After a short leg stretch, TECoSA Director Martin Törngren and Co-Director James Gross gave overall updates on TECoSA, including the status of the edge computing testbeds – indoor and outdoor – which have been the focus of collaborative work by Telenor and KTH.

The plans for the new TECoSA core projects were revealed!
Martin Törngren, György Dan and Alexis Linard outlined:
* COLA (Collaborative Autonomy)
* CART (Connected, Collaborating and Automated Road Traffic)
* SMEDE (Smart Edge Infrastructure)

(photo: the Indoor Testbed at KTH)
Discussions followed over lunch, then guests were treated to a tour of the Ericsson Imagine Studio.

“The key takeaway from this meeting is that we are on the right track!” said Martin Törngren. “The projects are of interest to all the partners and engagement is growing.”
The next Quarterly meeting takes place on Thursday 8 June at KTH. Details to follow!