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5G Security Standardization and Cloud Security Challenges, insights from Ericsson

This workshop provides an opportunity for industry to exchange ideas and academics to understand industrial state of practice and challenges, as well as encouraging more networking and collaboration in the area.  All TECoSA members are welcome to attend, and a Teams link will be circulated to all who sign up (via the Outlook invitation or… Read More »5G Security Standardization and Cloud Security Challenges, insights from Ericsson

Research Forum – PhDs and Postdocs special coaching session

This workshop is restricted to TECoSA Ph.D.-students and post-docs. The session will also be the first session on Campus! One of the best communication coaches, Phil Bliss, will give an introduction on how to develop communication skills in situations such as conference presentations, lectures, team discussions, one-to-one etc. Eligible participants have been sent a pre-training… Read More »Research Forum – PhDs and Postdocs special coaching session

TECoSA Seminar – Privacy-preserving Dynamic Controllers

We aim to bring you a TECoSA Seminar at kl.15 on the first Thursday of each month. This Autumn they will once again be on-line, and all are welcome to join (members accept the Outlook invite, non-members please email “”). Each invited speaker will talk for about 40 minutes, followed by a panel discussion coordinated… Read More »TECoSA Seminar – Privacy-preserving Dynamic Controllers

Digitalized Industry – a Workshop in two parts focusing on Opportunities in Horizon Europe and Insights into industrial challenges

Digital Futures Hub Osquars Backe 5, floor 2, Stockholm, Sweden

You are cordially invited to join this workshop in two parts (Tues 9 Nov: Part 1: 9-11.30 and Part 2: 13.30-16).  To register, please go to: This will be a physical meeting at the Digital futures hub at KTH Campus Valhallavägen, although an on-line presence will also be an option.  This event is co-organized… Read More »Digitalized Industry – a Workshop in two parts focusing on Opportunities in Horizon Europe and Insights into industrial challenges

9th Scandinavian Conference on System and Software Safety

This year's SCSSS takes place at Lindholmspiren in Gothenburg, 23-24 November 2021.  (If you would like to submit a proposal for a presentation or tutorial, the deadline is 23 April - see for more details!) This conference, organised by Addalot, ICES (KTH) and SAFER,  has become the central meeting place for Scandinavian safety experts… Read More »9th Scandinavian Conference on System and Software Safety

EFECS 2021 – European Forum for Electronic Components and Systems

EFECS 2021 takes place on-line from 23-25 November 2021.  The focus is our digital future, and a green and competitive Europe.  For information about the programme, speakers and how to register, please see their homepage:

Horizon Europe Cluster 4 (Digital, Industry and Space) – Information Days

Under pillar II of Horizon Europe, Cluster 4 focuses on Digital, Industry and Space and aims to deliver on the following six destinations matching the Strategic Plan: * Climate neutral, circular and digitised production * Increased autonomy in key strategic value chains for resilient industry * World leading data and computing technologies * Digital and emerging… Read More »Horizon Europe Cluster 4 (Digital, Industry and Space) – Information Days

Research Forum – Pitch Your Project!

Wrapping up the Autumn's sessions. More details to be added here soon! Facilitator: Martin Karlsson (

6th Quarterly Meeting

The 6th TECoSA quarterly meeting takes place from kl.13-16  Thursday 9 December, (on-line, link sent to TECoSA members on the Outlook invitation.  If you have not received yours. please contact Main theme: To initiate the update of the TECoSA research agenda. The plan for the agenda update includes, (i) Gathering ideas and (re-) initiating… Read More »6th Quarterly Meeting

Trustworthy Edge Computing Workshop at SEC 2021

TECoSA is arranging a half-day workshop as part of the 6th ACM/IEEE Symposium on Edge Computing taking place in San Jose, California from 14-17 December 2021. FRIDAY 17 DECEMBER (CET: kl.18.00-20.30) 18.00 - 19.00 SESSION I: SECURITY AND SAFETY ASPECTS OF EDGE APPLICATIONS*Security and safety threat modeling in edge computingDenzler (TU Vienna), Hollerer (TU Vienna),… Read More »Trustworthy Edge Computing Workshop at SEC 2021