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TECoSA Seminar – Wearable Cognitive Assistance:  Vision, Reality and Challenges

We aim to bring you a TECoSA Seminar on the first Thursday of each month during term-time. For Spring 2022, the talks will be on-line or hybrid. All are welcome to attend and we look forward to some lively discussions. Members can accept the invitations, non-members can email to register. The final seminar this… Read More »TECoSA Seminar – Wearable Cognitive Assistance:  Vision, Reality and Challenges

TECoSA Course Module “Fundamentals of Bayesian Inference using Probabilistic Programming” (2/2)

Attendance is free to all TECoSA members.  This module will run in collaboration with Digital Futures, and participants can join in person or via Zoom.  To register, please see:  Format: Two 3-hour seminars plus preparation and homework Location: KTH Campus (Digital Futures Hub) or Zoom Timing: Weds 1 June kl.14-17 and Weds 7 June… Read More »TECoSA Course Module “Fundamentals of Bayesian Inference using Probabilistic Programming” (2/2)

Guest Seminar: Engineering Resilience for Cognitive Systems

We are pleased to share this open seminar from guest speaker Professor Mario Trapp, Director of the Fraunhofer Institute for Cognitive Systems IKS (Munich, Germany).  It takes place in conjunction with a Half-time PhD Seminar & Discussion (13.00-15.00 Efficient Strategies for Safety Assurance of Automated Driving) and an Interactive Workshop (15.30-17.00 Holistic Technological Perspectives on… Read More »Guest Seminar: Engineering Resilience for Cognitive Systems

Efficient Strategies for Safety Assurance of Automated Driving – half-time PhD seminar and discussion (Magnus Gyllenhammar with Prof Mario Trapp)

This session takes place in conjunction with a Guest Seminar (10-11 Engineering Resilience for Cognitive Systems) and an Interactive Workshop (15.30-17.00 Holistic Technological Perspectives on Safety of Automated Driving Systems -Methods for Provision of evidence).  If you are interested in joining for some or all of this Resilience Meets Assurance day, please email to… Read More »Efficient Strategies for Safety Assurance of Automated Driving – half-time PhD seminar and discussion (Magnus Gyllenhammar with Prof Mario Trapp)

Workshop: Holistic Technical Perspectives on Safety of Automated Driving Systems – Methods for Provision of Evidence

This interactive workshop takes place in conjunction with a Guest Seminar (10-11 Engineering Resilience for Cognitive Systems) and a half-time PhD seminar and discussion (13-15 Efficient Strategies for Safety Assurance of Automated Driving). If you are interested in joining for some or all of this Resilience Meets Assurance day, please email to register, stating… Read More »Workshop: Holistic Technical Perspectives on Safety of Automated Driving Systems – Methods for Provision of Evidence

Edge Orchestration – free online workshop

Hosted by the RAINBOW project, an EU research project to design and develop an open and trusted Fog computing platform that facilitates the deployment and management of scalable, heterogeneous and secure IoT services and cross-cloud applications. This workshop presents platforms for managing Cloud-Edge infrastructures and applications deployed on them. An overview of the RAINBOW Platform will… Read More »Edge Orchestration – free online workshop

Webinar: Advanced Digitalisation for Autonomous Airports

To monitor and control complex systems requires advanced digitalisation with a high level of autonomous capability. The research and innovation program Advanced Digitalisation offers funding support for challenge-driven research, development and innovation projects that contribute to the development of the future airport with a high degree of autonomous functions. The programme aims to accelerate Sweden’s… Read More »Webinar: Advanced Digitalisation for Autonomous Airports

Workshop: RAGE 2022 @ DAC 2022!

The 1st Real-time And intelliGent Edge computing workshop will be held in conjunction with the 59th Design and Automation Conference (DAC 2022) in San Francisco, 10 July 2022. Call for papers - submission deadline 20 March 2022.  Read more on the workshop homepage: This all-day workshop will include invited talks from expert speakers from… Read More »Workshop: RAGE 2022 @ DAC 2022!

Castor Software Days

Open to the software industry, software researchers and software students,  the 2022 CASTOR Software Days take place (free of charge) on KTH Campus on   *  Wednesday 31 August (software-defined networking day) and   *  Thursday 1 September (software systems design day) You can find more information (including how to register) on their homepage:

TECoSA Seminar – Security and Privacy in Machine Learning: Threat Models and Mitigation Measures

We aim to bring you a TECoSA Seminar on the first Thursday of each month during term-time. For Autumn 2022, the talks will be on-line or hybrid. All are welcome to attend and we look forward to some lively discussions. Members can accept the invitations, non-members can email to register. Our September seminar is… Read More »TECoSA Seminar – Security and Privacy in Machine Learning: Threat Models and Mitigation Measures

SAFECOMP 2022 – “New Frontiers of Safety Assurance”

The 41st International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability and Security takes place 6-9 September 2022, via Zoom. The SAFECOMP Conference Series offers a platform for knowledge and technology transfer between academia, industry, research institutions and standardization bodies in the areas of safety, reliability and security regarding critical computer applications. It provides ample opportunity to exchange… Read More »SAFECOMP 2022 – “New Frontiers of Safety Assurance”

Submissions deadline for the TEC22 Workshop at SEC 2022!  

TECoSA members are invited to contribute to this year's TEC workshop.  See below for more details, and contact James Gross if you have any questions.