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TECoSA Seminar – Next generation IoT: Europe‘s opportunity of Open Edge Computing Platforms

We aim to bring you a TECoSA Seminar on the first Thursday of each month during term-time. For Spring 2022, the talks will be on-line or hybrid. All are welcome to attend and we look forward to some lively discussions. Members can accept the invitations, non-members can email to register. Our April seminar is… Read More »TECoSA Seminar – Next generation IoT: Europe‘s opportunity of Open Edge Computing Platforms

TECoSA Course Module “ML Security and Privacy” (2/2)

Attendance is free to all TECoSA members. To register, please email stating which module(s) you wish to take. Alternatively, calendar invitations will be issued to everyone on the tecosa-all mailing list. You can register by accepting the invitations that are of interest to you. (This module runs on more than one date - please… Read More »TECoSA Course Module “ML Security and Privacy” (2/2)

Research Forum – Recap and Revival

The TECoSA Research Forum was developed and carried out building on best practices for creating a culture for innovation that provides psychological safety, collective intelligence, open inclusive dialogue, and creativity.   Initially the Research Forum was dedicated to PhD students, and later opened up for the entire consortium.   The sessions from last year were positively received,… Read More »Research Forum – Recap and Revival

TECoSA SME Project and Program Matchmaking Workshop

This workshop has the purpose to promote matchmaking and discussions to formulate SME project proposals.  The TECoSA and Vinnova SME program has dedicated funds for TECoSA SME-partners to engage in research and testbed activities with relevance for TECoSA. In the spirit of TECoSA, the projects should preferably be collaborative in some way (e.g. with other industrial… Read More »TECoSA SME Project and Program Matchmaking Workshop

TECoSA Seminar – Fog Computing for Cooperative and Autonomous Driving

We aim to bring you a TECoSA Seminar on the first Thursday of each month during term-time. For Spring 2022, the talks will be on-line or hybrid. All are welcome to attend and we look forward to some lively discussions. Members can accept the invitations, non-members can email to register. Our May seminar is… Read More »TECoSA Seminar – Fog Computing for Cooperative and Autonomous Driving

TECoSA Course Module “Fundamentals of Bayesian Inference using Probabilistic Programming” (1/2)

Attendance is free to all TECoSA members.  This module will run in collaboration with Digital Futures, and participants can join in person or via Zoom.  To register, please see:  Format: Two 3-hour seminars plus preparation and homework Location: KTH Campus (Digital Futures Hub) or Zoom Timing: Weds 1 June kl.14-17 and Weds 7 June… Read More »TECoSA Course Module “Fundamentals of Bayesian Inference using Probabilistic Programming” (1/2)

8th Quarterly Meeting

The 8th TECoSA quarterly meeting takes place at Skansen in Stockholm on the afternoon of Thursday 2 June.  We will start with a lunch mingle and end with a dinner, with a productive meeting of information and discussions in between. Registration required by Thursday 19 May.  To sign up, please respond to the invitation sent… Read More »8th Quarterly Meeting

TECoSA Seminar – Wearable Cognitive Assistance:  Vision, Reality and Challenges

We aim to bring you a TECoSA Seminar on the first Thursday of each month during term-time. For Spring 2022, the talks will be on-line or hybrid. All are welcome to attend and we look forward to some lively discussions. Members can accept the invitations, non-members can email to register. The final seminar this… Read More »TECoSA Seminar – Wearable Cognitive Assistance:  Vision, Reality and Challenges

TECoSA Course Module “Fundamentals of Bayesian Inference using Probabilistic Programming” (2/2)

Attendance is free to all TECoSA members.  This module will run in collaboration with Digital Futures, and participants can join in person or via Zoom.  To register, please see:  Format: Two 3-hour seminars plus preparation and homework Location: KTH Campus (Digital Futures Hub) or Zoom Timing: Weds 1 June kl.14-17 and Weds 7 June… Read More »TECoSA Course Module “Fundamentals of Bayesian Inference using Probabilistic Programming” (2/2)

Guest Seminar: Engineering Resilience for Cognitive Systems

We are pleased to share this open seminar from guest speaker Professor Mario Trapp, Director of the Fraunhofer Institute for Cognitive Systems IKS (Munich, Germany).  It takes place in conjunction with a Half-time PhD Seminar & Discussion (13.00-15.00 Efficient Strategies for Safety Assurance of Automated Driving) and an Interactive Workshop (15.30-17.00 Holistic Technological Perspectives on… Read More »Guest Seminar: Engineering Resilience for Cognitive Systems

Efficient Strategies for Safety Assurance of Automated Driving – half-time PhD seminar and discussion (Magnus Gyllenhammar with Prof Mario Trapp)

This session takes place in conjunction with a Guest Seminar (10-11 Engineering Resilience for Cognitive Systems) and an Interactive Workshop (15.30-17.00 Holistic Technological Perspectives on Safety of Automated Driving Systems -Methods for Provision of evidence).  If you are interested in joining for some or all of this Resilience Meets Assurance day, please email to… Read More »Efficient Strategies for Safety Assurance of Automated Driving – half-time PhD seminar and discussion (Magnus Gyllenhammar with Prof Mario Trapp)