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TECoSA 13th Quarterly Meeting and Testbeds Inauguration

On Friday 1 September, TECoSA will host it's 13th Quarterly Meeting, starting with the official Testbeds Inauguration.  An Outlook invitation has been circulated to TECoSA members and special guests!  The plan for the afternoon is given below. For more information, please contact Martin Törngren ( or James Gross ( Part 1: 13.00-15.00 - TECoSA Testbeds… Read More »TECoSA 13th Quarterly Meeting and Testbeds Inauguration

AI in the Context of Complex Intelligent System

Guest lecture by Nicolette Lakemond, Professor in Industrial Development at Linköping University As artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly integrated into the context of complex products and systems (CoPS), making complex systems more intelligent, this presentation explores the consequences and presents research results on the implications for engineering management in emerging complex intelligent systems (CoIS). All… Read More »AI in the Context of Complex Intelligent System

Boundary Objects within the Discourse on the Development of Complex CPS

Half-way seminar for PhD student Rusyadi Ramli This seminar will present the role of boundary objects, explore the contextual factors of boundary objects, and discuss how to design effective boundary objects within the discourse on the co-engineering practice in the development of complex CPS. All with an interest in this topic are welcome to join… Read More »Boundary Objects within the Discourse on the Development of Complex CPS

TECoSA Seminar – Safety Challenges for Automated Vehicles in the Absence of Connectivity

We aim to bring you a TECoSA Seminar on the first Thursday of each month during term-time.  All are welcome to attend and we look forward to some lively discussions. Members can accept the Outlook invitations, non-members can email to register. Our September seminar is with Dr Akhil Shetty, postdoctoral researcher at UC Berkeley… Read More »TECoSA Seminar – Safety Challenges for Automated Vehicles in the Absence of Connectivity

SAFECOMP 2023 – CFP Computer Safety, Reliability and Security

The 42nd International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability and Security takes place 19-22 September 2023, in Toulouse, France. The SAFECOMP Conference Series offers a platform for knowledge and technology transfer between academia, industry, research institutions and standardization bodies in the areas of safety, reliability and security regarding critical computer applications. It provides ample opportunity to… Read More »SAFECOMP 2023 – CFP Computer Safety, Reliability and Security

Nordic Systems Engineering Tour, Autumn 2023

Organised by the 5 Nordic Chapters of INCOSE - Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Finland and Germany. The  programme is being developed and will be published at

TECoSA Research Seminar: Explainable Reinforcement Learning for Telecom

Speakers:  Industrial PhD students Ahmad Terra (TECoSA, Ericsson) and Franco Ruggeri (Ericsson) Location: C435, Brinellvägen 85 (plan 4) Zoom link and sign-up link circulated to members Please email if you have any questions. ABSTRACT: Explainable Reinforcement Learning (XRL) primarily to provide explainability for black-box models to enable trust. XRL includes multiple methods applied to different… Read More »TECoSA Research Seminar: Explainable Reinforcement Learning for Telecom

TECoSA Seminar – Configuration of Dependable Edge Computing Platforms for Virtualized Critical Control Applications

We aim to bring you a TECoSA Seminar on the first Thursday of each month during term-time.  All are welcome to attend and we look forward to some lively discussions. Members can accept the Outlook invitations, non-members can email to register. Our October seminar is with Prof Paul Pop, Head of the Embedded Systems… Read More »TECoSA Seminar – Configuration of Dependable Edge Computing Platforms for Virtualized Critical Control Applications

TECoSA Research Seminar: Getting the Best Out of Both Worlds: Algorithms for Hierarchical Inference at the Edge

Speaker: Vishnu Narayanan Moothedath, TECoSA PhD student Venue, Zoom link and sign-up link circulated to members Please email if you have any questions. ABSTRACT: We consider a resource-constrained Edge Device (ED), such as an IoT sensor or a microcontroller unit, embedded with a small-size ML model (S-ML) for a generic classification application, and an Edge… Read More »TECoSA Research Seminar: Getting the Best Out of Both Worlds: Algorithms for Hierarchical Inference at the Edge

TECoSA Seminar – Learning Optimal Edge Processing with Offloading and Energy Harvesting

We aim to bring you a TECoSA Seminar on the first Thursday of each month during term-time.  All are welcome to attend and we look forward to some lively discussions. Members can accept the Outlook invitations, non-members can email to register. Our guest speaker for November is Francesco De Pellegrini, Professor of networking and AI… Read More »TECoSA Seminar – Learning Optimal Edge Processing with Offloading and Energy Harvesting

TECoSA Testbeds Demo Session

Due to popular demand, we will hold a Testbed Demo session for TECoSA members and the IIoT Nordic Network! We open with a welcome to R1, the historic (and atmospheric) former experimental reactor hall beneath KTH, followed by a brief overview of the Testbeds and the Demos, including: ~ the soft robot, ~ the Kvaser… Read More »TECoSA Testbeds Demo Session

SCSSS 2023 – Scandinavian Conference on System & Software Safety

System and software safety in electronic systems is becoming increasingly important in many industries and in critical societal infrastructure. The systems become ever more complex, connected and autonomous and the software continues to grow. This poses many challenges even for mature organizations, requiring approaches that go beyond established best practices. Many organizations face the same… Read More »SCSSS 2023 – Scandinavian Conference on System & Software Safety