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Research Forum (Workshop 1)

Culture for innovation Successful organisations are characterised by a high level of psychological safety, i.e. a culture where it is possible to take interpersonal risk without any negative consequences. This is needed to create a culture where one can share criticism, keep an open mind, listen to each other, and show social sensitivity - all… Read More »Research Forum (Workshop 1)

TECoSA Seminar – Impact of Digitalisation, Key Strategic Technology Roadmaps and Importance of Edge Computing

We aim to bring you a TECoSA Seminar at kl.15 on the first Thursday of each month. This Spring they will be on-line, and all are welcome to join. Each invited speaker will talk for about 40 minutes, followed by a panel discussion coordinated by TECoSA members. The fourth speaker in our series is Prof… Read More »TECoSA Seminar – Impact of Digitalisation, Key Strategic Technology Roadmaps and Importance of Edge Computing

3rd Quarterly Meeting

The 3rd TECoSA quarterly meeting takes place from kl.9-12 Tuesday 23 February, (on-line, link to follow to TECoSA members). For more information about this event please contact TECoSA Admin

TECoSA Seminar – Real-time Virtualization, Concurrency Platforms, and Middleware: from Devices to Edge Servers

We aim to bring you a TECoSA Seminar at kl.15 on the first Thursday of each month. This Spring they will be on-line, and all are welcome to join. Each invited speaker will talk for about 40 minutes, followed by a panel discussion coordinated by TECoSA members. Chris Gill The fifth speaker in our series… Read More »TECoSA Seminar – Real-time Virtualization, Concurrency Platforms, and Middleware: from Devices to Edge Servers

The Learning Brain – a session with Anna Tebelius Bodin!

Anna Tebelius Bodin is a Swedish thought-leader on the brain, with a M.Ed from Harvard University. She has given over 800 talks and published 5 books about the psychology behind learning and well-being.  Last year, her efforts to spread knowledge about how the brain learns was acknowledged with The 2020 Mensa Award of Sweden. On Thursday… Read More »The Learning Brain – a session with Anna Tebelius Bodin!

Resilient Resource Allocation for Service Placement in Mobile Edge Clouds

TECoSA PhD student Peiyue Zhao will defend his thesis - abstract below.  All are welcome to join. Please contact peiyue @ for the link. Abstract Mobile edge computing makes available distributed computation and storage resources in close proximity to end users and allows to provide low-latency and high-capacity services within mobile networks. Therefore, mobile… Read More »Resilient Resource Allocation for Service Placement in Mobile Edge Clouds

Research Forum (Workshop 2): Innovator’s DNA skill guide applied to research questions or challenges

Since the first Workshop in November, the PhD students within TECoSA have been exploring their research question or challenge using the Innovator’s DNA skill guide, developed at MIT. During this session, we will introduce the method within the Center and give the students as well as industrial partners a possibility to get new perspectives on… Read More »Research Forum (Workshop 2): Innovator’s DNA skill guide applied to research questions or challenges

Next Generation IoT and Edge Computing Strategy Forum

Views on a strategic European vision for (Far) Edge Computing in the Next-Generation Internet of Things There are a few seats left for this on-line workshop, which offers talks and discussions on System Integration Platforms, Ecosystems and Alliances, Trust and Trustworthiness and Visionary Concepts. TECoSA Director Martin Törngren will be taking part in the Visionary… Read More »Next Generation IoT and Edge Computing Strategy Forum

TECoSA Seminar – Anomaly Detection and Causal Reasoning about Attacks in SCADA Systems

We aim to bring you a TECoSA Seminar at kl.15 on the first Thursday of each month. This Spring they will be on-line, and all are welcome to join. Each invited speaker will talk for about 40 minutes, followed by a panel discussion coordinated by TECoSA members. Klara Nahrstedt The seventh speaker in our series… Read More »TECoSA Seminar – Anomaly Detection and Causal Reasoning about Attacks in SCADA Systems

TECoSA Testbed Workshop

An essential part of our research efforts in TECoSA are our testbed activities. After a first testbed workshop in spring 2020, our efforts on this thread have been slowed down due to several issues, Covid-19 being one of them. With this workshop we want to renew our efforts, discuss the current status and in particular… Read More »TECoSA Testbed Workshop