4th Quarterly Meeting
The 4th TECoSA quarterly meeting takes place from kl.9-12 Tuesday 11 May, (on-line, link to follow to TECoSA members). For more information about this event please contact TECoSA Admin tecosa-admin@kth.se
The 4th TECoSA quarterly meeting takes place from kl.9-12 Tuesday 11 May, (on-line, link to follow to TECoSA members). For more information about this event please contact TECoSA Admin tecosa-admin@kth.se
KTH’s research platforms on Digitalization and Industrial Transformation are organizing an online conference on "Security for Industry - How to avoid a Cyber attack" to be held on 26 May 2021. The aim is to bring together academia, industry and other stakeholders around this critical theme. Join the conference and get inspired by stimulating plenary… Read More »Security for Industry – how to avoid a Cyber attack
All trends starts with a micro-trend. During this interactive workshop, we will explore a method to analyze micro-trends in general and more specifically what influence they can have on the TECoSA ecosystem. The result will be used for new research questions, master thesis proposal and ideation for research project proposals. Preparation: Document micro-trends in your… Read More »Research Forum (Workshop 3): Micro-trends
We aim to bring you a TECoSA Seminar at kl.15 on the first Thursday of each month. This Spring they will be on-line, and all are welcome to join. Each invited speaker will talk for about 40 minutes, followed by a panel discussion coordinated by TECoSA members. Marten Lohstroh The eighth speaker in our series… Read More »TECoSA Seminar – Deterministic Reactive Software for Embedded, Edge, and Cloud Systems
Do you work with digitalisation, industrial development or space and are curious about the possibilities of collaborating at European level within Horizon Europe? Then register for this information meeting, Wednesday 9 June kl.9-11.30. The meeting is aimed at those intererested in applying for calls within Cluster 4 who want to gain a better understanding of… Read More »Horizon Europe, Cluster 4: Digital, industry and space (Vinnova info meeting)
This interactive workshop will give an introduction to a time management framework that is based on what is really important for you. We will learn the secret sauce of time management (and learn why business scholars agree with scholars within philosophy), share best practices and develop your draft strategy. Preparation: A short preparation task will… Read More »Research Forum (Workshop 4): Personal time management
TECoSA is pleased to take part in SoSE 2021! Martin Törngren will be serving as one of the program chairs and Saab's Erik Herzog will be the industry liaison. More information will be shared with members nearer the time. In the meantime, see the SoSE homepage at http://sosengineering.org/2021/
Format: Interactive session, on-line Context: IEEE Systems of Systems Engineering Conference: http://sosengineering.org/2021/ All interactive sessions: http://sosengineering.org/2021/panels-and-interactive-sessions/ Additional relevant information: http://sosengineering.org/2021/keynotes/ Session short abstract: Digitalization, and more generally cyber-physical systems, pave the way for new services and capabilities that provide potential for developing entirely new SoS, within and across existing domains, giving rise to new eco-systems.… Read More »Innovation Eco systems for Systems of Systems (SoS) at the IEEE SoSE conference 2021
This Info day aims to inform (potential) applicants about topics included in the Cluster 4 'Digital, Industry and Space' work programme of 2021. This Horizon Europe Info day takes place on-line and is open for participation without prior registration. For more details, and to see the programme of sessions, please see: https://www.horizon-europe-infodays2021.eu/event/cluster-4-digital-industry-space
TECoSA partner Syntell has organized a one-week Summer School during the third week of August since 1999! This takes place on on the island of Utö from 15-20 August, and includes three parallel courses related to lifecycle management of complex systems. Aimed at practitioners and PhD students, participants come mainly from major Scandinavian industries and… Read More »Summer School on Systems Architecting (Utö)
TECoSA is co-organizing a Workshop on Trustworthy Edge Computing (TEC) collocated with ACM SEC 2021, 14-17 Dec 2021 - San Jose, USA. (We envision a half-day workshop with two paper presentation sessions, one keynote and a poster / short-paper presentation session.) Submitted papers must not be previously published or under review by another workshop, conference… Read More »SEC 2021: TEC Workshop – Call for Papers, deadline 10 Sept!
Introduction to venture capital Rebecka Löthman Rydå, Investment Manager at Industrifonden, will give a talk on how a venture capital investment companies works, how to find investment for a start-ups and why they love research based start-ups. Jim Dowling, Chief Executive Officer at Logical Clocks AB will give the story from the perspective of a… Read More »Research Forum – How a venture capital company works in relation to start-ups