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TECoSA Testbeds Demo Session
November 16, 2023, 13:00 – 15:00
Due to popular demand, we will hold a Testbed Demo session for TECoSA members and the IIoT Nordic Network!
We open with a welcome to R1, the historic (and atmospheric) former experimental reactor hall beneath KTH, followed by a brief overview of the Testbeds and the Demos, including:
~ the soft robot,
~ the Kvaser car,
~ inverted pendulum control,
~ and the OpenRtist demos.
Invitations have been circulated to TECoSA members and special guests. If you’re interested but not on that list, please contact Martin Törngren (martint@kth.se).

The TECoSA Testbeds were inaugurated on 1 September 2023. You can read more about that here: https://www.tecosa.center.kth.se/2023/09/15/tecosas-new-testbed-environments-show-tomorrows-digital-infrastructures/