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Innovation Eco systems for Systems of Systems (SoS) at the IEEE SoSE conference 2021
June 17, 2021, 17:30 – 19:00
Format: Interactive session, on-line [2021.06.22: See slides here! SoSE InnovEco for CPSoS]
Context: IEEE Systems of Systems Engineering Conference: http://sosengineering.org/2021/
All interactive sessions: http://sosengineering.org/2021/panels-and-interactive-sessions/
Additional relevant information: http://sosengineering.org/2021/keynotes/
Session short abstract: Digitalization, and more generally cyber-physical systems, pave the way for new services and capabilities that provide potential for developing entirely new SoS, within and across existing domains, giving rise to new eco-systems. Forming such eco-systems will often face significant hurdles in terms of organizational, legislative and business model concerns, in addition to technical issues. This interactive session brings together a number of perspectives and experts to discuss the corresponding challenges, experiences and avenues ahead for overcoming such hurdles, including (but not limited to), data sharing, best practices for accelerating innovation across (previously) separated domains, and experiences in multi-domain collaborations and open test arenas.
Extended session description: Digitalization, and more generally cyber-physical systems, pave the way for new services and collaborations through new cost-efficient sensors, connectivity, data sharing, (decentralized/ centralized) computation, and sometimes also decentralized manufacturing/maintenance enabled by 3d printing. The resulting new capabilities provide the potential for developing entirely new applications and business offerings, within and across existing domains, giving rise to new eco-systems.
As an example, consider the case of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). An ITS can be developed to provide proactive behaviors including the avoidance of cracks and pot-holes in roads (through data collection, analysis, digital twins and proactive maintenance and/or influenced vehicle behaviors), thereby optimizing and reducing efforts, emissions and energy for road repairs, and moreover improving traffic safety. Of course, the potential does not stop here, and extends to energy optimization and traffic efficiency. The example highlights the opportunity to share data between two separate domains, in this case road infrastructure and road traffic. Combining the data (for example that gathered during road construction, by automated vehicles and infrastructure) with vehicle/ infrastructure computational capabilities for learning, prediction, planning and coordination, enables new functionalities and services in the ITS. However, this requires that multiple stakeholder can form constructive collaborations.
Forming such systems of systems will often face significant hurdles in terms of organizational, legislative and business model concerns, in addition to technical interoperability and trustworthiness issues. This interactive session will bring together a number of perspectives and experts to discuss the corresponding challenges, experiences and avenues ahead for overcoming such hurdles.
We are not limited to specific domains, and prefer discussions and contributions that emphasize take-aways of relevance for multiple domains.
Preliminary list of topics of interest:
- Open innovation by sharing data, but what are successful models for sharing data while meeting legal requirements and mitigating risks?
- How can innovation be accelerated or at least supported (not prevented) when referring to new cyber-enables opportunities across traditional domains?
- Experiences, pitfalls and best practices in multi-domain collaborations and open test arenas
Keynote speaker: Professor Ron Adner (http://faculty.tuck.dartmouth.edu/ron-adner/)
Panel Chair: Prof Martin Törngren (KTH, TECoSA Director, ICES Director)
Prof Ron Adner (Tuck School)
Prof Monica Bellgran (KTH)
Dr Martin Karlsson (Atlas Copco, TECoSA Board, ICES Board Chair)
Prof Nicolette Lakemond (LiU)
Prof Tobias Larsson (BTH)
Prof Kim Wikström (Åbo Akademi)