TECoSA’s 7th Quarterly meeting was the first physical meeting since the Centre was launched in March 2020! Involving 50 people (35 IRL and 15 on-line), the half-day event was hosted by AFRY, and will hopefully start a tradition of member companies being the venue of future meetings. Several new members took part (from AFRY, AFRY X, Varnish Software and Saab Rainforest & Innovation), bringing new constellations to the network. A priority topic covered at the meeting was the reorganization of the TECoSA projects to create better synergies between the research, industrial use-cases and testbeds.

And as a bonus, after 8 hours of engaged and fruitful discussions and presentations (plus good company, good food and a little wine), TECoSA now has a song! Join us at the 8th Quarterly to hear more…