April 2021: Vinnova has issued a new call aimed at consortia that can collaborate to contribute to the next generation of industrial digital solutions. The project should have an impact on one of the following areas: autonomous mining, autonomous airports or circular industry. The project can be about e.g. system solutions or components.
What can you apply for?
Research and innovation projects that are driven by industrial needs which, through collaboration, develop enabling technology and capabilities in one of the call’s technical focus areas.
Who can apply?
A consortium with at least two participants, of which at least one industrial project partner in the form of a company. In addition to companies, universities, colleges, research institutes and other relevant organizations can participate.
How much can you apply for?
It is possible to apply for a grant of between 2 -10 million SEK per project. The grant may correspond to a maximum of 50 percent of the project’s eligible costs. The call’s preliminary budget is 40 million SEK.
Application deadline: 2 June 2021 (with decision date 13 Sept 2021, and project start date from 20 Sept 2021).
A new call within the Advanced and Innovative Digitization program will follow in the autumn of 2021, but not necessarily with the same focus areas.
Read more at: https://www.vinnova.se/en/calls-for-proposals/avancerad-och-innovativ-digitalisering/
If you have any questions, please contact Vinnova Call Manager Staffan Nyström (staffan.nystrom@vinnova.se)